Privacy Policy of Calvin Chat App

Developed by Seesaw Company Inc.

Article 1: Consent to Collection of Personal Information and Collection Method

Calvin University School App (hereinafter referred to as “the App”), developed by Seesaw Company Inc., establishes a process whereby users can give their consent for the collection and use of personal information. By clicking the "Agree" button on the App, users consent to the terms of use and acknowledge that their personal information will be collected and used as described in this policy.

Article 2: Personal Information Items Collected and Purpose of Using Personal Information

The App collects personal information for specific purposes, as outlined below:

Article 3: Collection of Personal Information via Cookies

The App uses cookies to enhance user experience. Users can manage cookie preferences in their browser settings. Purposes and management of cookies include:

Article 4: Periods of Retaining and Using Personal Information and Destruction of Personal Information

Retention and Destruction: Personal information is retained as required by law and destroyed when no longer needed. Retention periods are as follows:

This draft is intended for the initial four articles of the privacy policy. Please review and let me know if there are specific aspects related to Seesaw Company Inc.'s role in data management or any other details that need to be included or modified.

Article 5: Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The App shall not use or provide customers' personal information to third parties beyond the scope specified in Article 2, except in the following cases:

Efforts are made to ensure that any shared personal information is not used beyond the original purpose of collection.

Article 6: Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing

For efficient service delivery and customer convenience, the App outsources personal information processing to external organizations:

Note: Only necessary personal information is shared with these outsourcing companies, and the list of partners may change based on service requirements.

Article 7: Access and Modification of Personal Information

Customers have the right to access and modify their registered personal information. This can be done via the "Change Members’ Information" option or by contacting our privacy officer.

In case of errors in personal information, the App will not use or provide such information until corrections are made. If incorrect information has been shared with third parties, immediate steps will be taken to correct this information with those parties.

Article 8: Withdrawal of Consent to Collection, Use, and Provision of Personal Information

Customers may withdraw their consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information at any time. Withdrawal can be done through the Personal Information Management Menu or by contacting the chief privacy officer.

The App will facilitate an easier process for customers to withdraw their consent than the process used for collection consent.

This completes the privacy policy draft for the first eight articles, specifically tailored for the Calvin University School App, developed and partially managed by Seesaw Company Inc. If there are additional sections or specific details you would like to include, please let me know.

Article 9: Measures for Ensuring the Security of Personal Information

In compliance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, the App implements various measures to secure personal information:

Article 10: Protection of Personal Information of Children under Fourteen Years of Age

The App prioritizes the protection of personal information of children:

Article 11: Chief Privacy Officer

The App has a designated Chief Privacy Officer responsible for managing personal information and addressing related complaints and inquiries. The details of the Chief Privacy Officer are as follows:

Article 12: Modification of the Guideline on Personal Information Processing

The guidelines for personal information processing are subject to change: